Tuesday, December 31, 2019
How Your Attitude Impacts Your Job Search
How Your Attitude Impacts Your Job SearchHow Your Attitude Impacts Your Job Search1Looking for a job can be exciting, even energizing, as you contemplate the possibilities of different positions and the impact they could have on your career and your future.However, as the weeks drag on with a steady stream of repetitive tasks- writing cover letters, submitting applications, participating in interviews- the initial thrill of the hunt may wane, dampening the disposition of even the most positive person.Unfortunately, such creeping negativity could make a job search less likely to succeed. While your education, skills, and experience are important to potential employers, so, too, is your attitude.Think for a moment about your favorite colleagues, and youll understand why attitude is so critical to success. You definitely want your teammates to have the skills and knowledge to do their jobs, but youd much rather work with someone who is pleasant and positive than a person who is a negati ve jerk. Hiring managers feel the saatkorn way, and theyll be judging your attitude during an interview.As much as you may think your resume makes or breaks your opportunity to get hired, its not the most important factor, notes an article from Forbes. While past work experience may qualify you for specific job roles, employers are always seeking out achievers and motivated performers. If your past experience is limited, but you walk into your interview with an optimistic, confident energy, people will notice.Here are a few tips to make sure youre exuding that energy and maintaining the right attitude as you seek a new positionDont be hostile or arrogant.This probably seems obvious, but its worth remembering. As noted in an article from the Undercover Recruiter, if you dont present yourself as approachable, a hiring manager is likely to move on to the next candidate. The same goes for showing the right amount of self-confidence. Nobody wants to work with somebody who regards themsel ves as a gift from God, the article says. Even if you are amazing at your job and could well be the best candidate for the job, by no means should you start shouting this from the rooftops, itll only send your interviewer running a mileExpress positivity and optimism.Smile as you greet your interviewer. If they ask how your job hunt is going, offer an upbeat response, even if youre tired of the search. And dont let a few rejections make you question your skills. Remember that you have much to offer as an employee. Be confident without being arrogant, describing your potential contributions to the company in clear and positive terms.Dont criticize former employers or coworkers.It may be tempting to speak ill of particularly lousy bosses or colleagues when youre asked about past positions. Dont do it. Maybe you were let go, and that is emotional, says an article from Mashable. But that shouldnt bleed into your presentation- its negativity that the hiring manager doesnt want to verstnd igung im strafverfahren with. Your attitude and story need to always come across with positivity and confidence.Remember that a good attitude gives you power.Just as a negative attitude tends to rub off on the people around you, a positive attitude can make them desire your company. If youre talking to someone who is set to make a hiring decision, which image do you want to project? When you are upbeat, people willwant you on their team, says an article from Success Rockets. You will connect with them to a greater extent, especially if they are positive people, too. Your words will be exuberant and powerful.As a job seeker, youre probably going to have an occasional bad day, when it seems like youre never going to break through and land the perfect position. Thats understandable. But if you remember the importance of attitude and focus on staying positive, you can overcome those downtimes and make sure youre putting your best foot forward in all communication with potential employer s.Keep in mind that the best way to feel better about your search is to see it through to a successful conclusion, landing you in your dream job. Imagine yourself in that position, put a smile on your face, and stay positive. It might just help you make your dream come true.BROWSE OPEN JOBS
Thursday, December 26, 2019
3 Strong Signs an Employer Is Ghosting You
3 Strong Signs an Employer Is Ghosting You3 Strong Signs an Employer Is Ghosting YouIf youre unfamiliar with ghosting, it goes a little like this Youre in a relationship (it can be with a friend, loved one, family member, and more to the point here, a potential employer). You ace the interviews, and you think everything is going great. Then the employer suddenly drops off of the face of the earth- and youre left in the dark, holding your work-from-home dreams in your hands and wondering what the heck happened.Why would a potential employer ghost a job candidate? Well, the long and the short of it is that theyre probably not interested in you anymore, and might not know how to tell you that. It could be because they dont want to deal with the rejection (even if theyre the ones doing the rejecting), so they opt for avoidance to bypass those icky feelings. Or it could be because they worry that they might be subjected to a barrage of questions from job candidates as to why theyre not ge tting the job (and theyre afraid of a potential lawsuit from an upset job candidate).Plus, some employers dont respond after job interviews- and not only is it unfair, it just plain stinks.Here are three signs that an employer is ghosting you1. The employer doesnt respond to emails. It doesnt matter if youve just sent in your job application or if youve already had multiple job interviews. When an employer isnt interested in you, they wont respond to your emails.While you can (and should) send follow up emails to ensure that they got your job application and to reinforce how much youd like to work for the company, if youre not getting a response, theres a good chance youre getting ghosted. Dont let it trip you up keep on with your job search. Its their loss.2. You always get theirvoicemail. Imagine youve had great communication with an employer. Youve emailed, had a job interview or two with the company, and even spoke on the phone afterwards. Then, the employer goes radio silentand not just for a day or two, but weeks at a time.You might be getting ghosted, gentle job seeker. Unless the hiring manager went on a month-long vacay to Machu Picchu, theres really no reason why he or she wouldnt return your calls- or why theyre going straight to voicemail in the first place- unless theyarent interested anymore.3. The hiring manager isalways in a meeting.Lets say that your future boss or hiring manager has an assistant fielding their phone calls. If you were once put right through when you called and now cant get themon the phone to save your life, this person might be avoiding you.Getting ghosted by an employer is unprofessional, but that doesnt make it any less painful. Take solace in the fact that an employer who disappearsprobably isnt the kind of boss you want anyway. Stay focused and positive, and know that your flexible job is right within reach.
Saturday, December 21, 2019
Get the Most Out of LinkedIn Groups
Get the Most Out of LinkedIn GroupsGet the Most Out of LinkedIn Groups24Whether youre looking to meet people in your profession, other job seekers like you, or just trying to learn more about a particular topic,LinkedIn Groupscan meet your needs.Just like the site itself, LinkedIns Groups are professional-only discussion boards where people go to network, learn, and engage one aleidher. Its one of the fastest and easiest ways to start networking and meeting new people through LinkedIn, which is really the whole point of the siteLinkedIn has a robust help section to guide you on any questions you may have about LinkedIn Groups. Below were going over a few ways to utilize these groups to your advantage.Heres how to get the most out of LinkedIn GroupsFind groups to join.There are two ways to find groups to join. The first option is searching for a group. You can do this by using the search box at the top of your LinkedIn homepage. Try searching forkeywords related to your career, your c ollege alma mater(s), or professional associations. After hitting the search button, click on the Groups reiter to see what comes up.You can also see what groups LinkedIn recommends to you based on your profile. From the LinkedIn homepage, click on the Work icon at the top right and select Groups. Click Discover see what LinkedIn recommends for you.Its okay not to jump right in.Once youve joined your groups, check out yourlist of conversations, which highlights the discussions happening and even points out your most active groups. Its wise to start off just lurking, meaning that you read through the active discussions, see who the groups influencers are, and gauge the overall tone of the group before diving into the discussions. Most groups will let you start a new topic or comment on other posts.Make your comments knowledgeable, helpful, and professional.Discussions are a fantastic place to be visible and highlight your skills and expertise to a broad audience. You can answer a que stion, add your opinion to a discussion, share advice with someone seeking help, comment on a posted article or all of the above, says Lindsey Pollack, a LinkedIn ambassador.LinkedIn isnt a place for sounding off with negative opinions or controversial topics. Think before you type, and make sure what youre saying is valuable, adds to the conversation, and would be viewed positively by kompetenzprofil employers and networking contacts. It also helps to use proper grammar and punctuation, and to not type in all CAPS.Build one-on-one relationships.Even though LinkedIn Groups are mostly a group environment, the option to Reply Privately exists so that you can send a message directly to someone with whom you want to network and maybe build a relationship. Pollack reminds users that, Your goal is not to directly ask for a job or client, but to network in a mutually beneficial way with someone who shares similar professional interests.Here is Pollaks example of how you can start a private conversation with someone from a LinkedIn GroupDear Greg, Thanks for sharing your question about how to find a social media marketing job in the Denver area. Im looking for a similar role, but in the Boston area. Perhaps we can chat sometime and compare notes?If youre not using LinkedIn Groups yet, its time to get started. The LinkedIn Groupis a great place to test the waters as you begin learning more about Groups. And check out ourthis post on networking on LinkedInfor more great tipsRachel Jay contributed to this post.OriginallypublishedJuly 5, 2012. Updated November 9, 2017.
Monday, December 16, 2019
Navy Enlisted Promotion System Point Calculation
Navy Enlisted versetzung System Point CalculationNavy Enlisted Promotion System Point CalculationUpdated May 2014 by Patrick Long, incorporating Navy enlisted vorrcken system changes announced by Navy Administrative Message (NAVADMIN) 114/14. In the Navy, aufsteigens to the paygrades of E-4 through E-7 are competitive. That means sailors compete against other sailors, within their same rating (job) for available promotion slots. In order to determine who gets promoted, the Navy, like the other services, use promotion points. Basically, there are limited promotion vacancies within each pay grade for each job. When determining who gets promoted, those with the fruchtwein promotion points are the ones who get the stripes. Service-Wide Promotion Test Standard Score Chief petty officers (E-7 to E-9) from each Navy rating develop advancement examinations. The examinations consist of 150 questions. Generally, 135 questions pertain to the rating (job) and 15 questions pertain to general military subjects. Examinations are administered to most candidates worldwide on the same day. Examinations are given according to a set schedule at locations and times that are announced in advance. The voreingestellt score is a reflection of how well you did compared with your peers taking the same test. The Navy first averages all the scores to get the arithmetic mean, and then average how far each score is from the mean. Your score is a direct reflection of any relative difference. Say, for example, you not only scored higher than anyone elsebut scored way above the next highest candidate. Your score would reflect that and be relatively higher. On the other hand, lets say you had the highest score in a huge group of high scorers. You would still have the highest standard score, but it would be only slightly higher than the next highest score. In a general way, a standard score of 20 means no one scored lower, 30 only 2 percent scored lower, 40 about 15 percent scored lower, 50 i s average, 60 only 15 percent scored higher, 70 only 2 percent scored higher, and no one gets higher than 80. (80 is the highest possible standard score on Navy Promotion Examinations). For more information, standard score is covered in all introductory statistics books in a chapter on descriptive statistics. Performance Evaluations Sailors are rated periodically on their duty, conduct, and performance, by their supervisor(s) using written performance evaluations. These written evaluations include numerical promotion recommendations, as follows Early Promote 4.0Must Promote 3.8Promotable 3.6Progressing 3.4Significant Problems 2.0 To calculate the Performance Evaluation Promotion Points or PMA (performance fruchtfleisch average), used in the chart below, one simply uses the average of the ratings received while in the current paygrade. Add up the marks received in the current paygrade, then divide by the total number of evaluations. Carry to three decimal places and round up /down (less than 5, round down, 5 and up, round up). Time in Grade (TIG) As used in the chart below, TIG is in years, and fractions of years. For example, three years and six months TIG would be 3.5. Decimal conversions for fractions of months are as follows 1 month .0832 months .1663 months .254 months .3335 months .4176 months .57 months .5838 months .6669 months .7510 months .83311 months .916 Past Not Advanced (PNA) Points PNA points are awarded to E-4 through E-6 candidates who achieve a relatively high score on previous Navy-wide advancement examination/have relatively high-performance mark averages during an examination cycle in which the candidate competed for advancement but was not advanced because of quota limitations. PNA points are comprised of written examination standard score and performance mark average. PNA points are only creditable from the most recent five exam cycles in that pay grade. PNA points are only awarded to the top 25 percent of Sail ors not advanced 1.5 PNA points go to the top 25 percent of Sailors by test and 1.5 to the top 25 percent by performance mark average. Total PNA points are determined from a Sailors last five advancement cycles, capping at a maximum of 15 possible points. Again, only PNA points from the last five promotion cycles can be carried over to the current cycle, and the maximum number of points (after they are multiplied by 2 according to the below chart) are 30. For promotion to E-7, the above factors are just the first step and are used to determine which E-6s meet the promotion board, and which do not. Those E-6s who score (total points determined above) within the top 60 percent of each rating (job), go on to have their records evaluated by a Navy-wide promotion board. Its the promotion board who then determines who actually gets promoted, or not, depending on the number of available promotion vacancies. Promotion Point Calculation Navy Enlisted Promotion Point Calculation for E- 4 through E-7 Promotions FACTORPAYGRADECOMPUTATIONMAX POINTS% MAX SCOREPerformance Mark Average (PMA)E-4 / E-5(PMA*80) - 2566436%E-6(PMA*80) - 20611450%E-7(PMA*50) - 8012060%Standard Score (SS)E-4 / E-5EXAM SCORE8045%E-6EXAM SCORE8035%E-7EXAM SCORE8040%AwardsE-4 / E-5BUPERSINST 1430.16F, Advancement Manual NAVADMIN 114/14106%E-6BUPERSINST 1430.16F, Advancement Manual NAVADMIN 114/14125%Individual Augmentee E-4 / E-5Individual Augmentee Points21%E-6Individual Augmentee Points21%Passed Not Advanced (PNA)E-4 / E-5PTS for top 25% SS and PMA for last 5 exam cycles15 9%E-6PTS for top 25% SS and PMA for last 5 exam cycles156%Service in Paygrade (SIPG)E-4 / E-5SIPG / 4 2 1%E-6SIPG / 4 3 1%EducationE-4 / E-52 PTS Associate4 PTS Bachelor or higher4 2%E-62 PTS Associate4 PTS Bachelor or higher E-4 / E-5 maximum total promotion points are 177 E-6 maximum total promotion points are 230 E-7 maximum total promotion points are 200
Wednesday, December 11, 2019
5 Key Takeaways From Those Who Built the Business Case for Energy Efficiency
5 Key Takeaways From Those Who Built the Business Case for Energy Efficiency5 Key Takeaways From Those Who Built the Business Case for Energy EfficiencyBuilding the business case for energy efficiency has been a priority for Environmental Defense Funds (EDF) Climate studentencorps program for a long time working with leading companies across the United States to unearth significant cost and energy savings.Identifying these energy opportunities and overcoming barriers that prevent companies from investing in energy efficiency would not be possible without the efforts of highly-qualified master of business administration students who have participated in EDF Climate studentencorps each summer since 2008.EDF Climate korporation fellows are the heart of the program. They are trained by EDF and placed in leading companies to become champions of energy efficiency, analyzing energy-saving opportunities, and developing customized energy efficiency investment plans.In just three years, these fellows have been responsible for developing hundreds of energy projects that could potentially save $439 million in net operational costs. To date, participating companies report that projects representing 86 percent of the energy savings identified by Climate studentencorps fellows are complete or underway proof that the program is helping make green business the new business as usual.With the program embarking on its fourth summer with 57 fellows working at 49 companies, EDF invited several alumni Climate Corps fellows to share their experiences with the program as part of the recent EDF Climate Corps training event at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT).Trish Kenlon, a New York University MBA graduate and 2009 fellow with TXU Energy Ian Lavery, a MIT MBA graduate and 2009 fellow with EMC Corporation and Eva Zlotnicka, a Yale MBA graduate and 2010 fellow with Genzyme discussed how they worked with their respective companies to build the business case for energy effi ciency. Here are five key takeaways from their workTalk in terms of financial benefits Operational costs, payback periods and return on investments are all terms that business leaders understand and are the driving force behind any good business strategy. The most successful Climate Corps fellows are ones that are able to speak the business language and identify energy savings in terms of financial opportunities. After all, its the strong financial backgrounds that tie this diverse group of students together. So tap into your financial vocabularies when making the business case for energy efficiency investments.Share what energy efficiency means for both business and the planet While its essential to understand the business benefits, for Climate Corps fellows, its even more important to share why these opportunities make sense for the environment. Trish and Eva spent much of their time debating the impact of climate change and the role of companies on the issue. Although some of the employees they worked with didnt necessarily see eye to eye on all issues, the results of Trish and Evas work were a vital proof point on how business and environmental leadership can go hand-in-hand.Understand how environmental issues can impact corporate reputation For companies, building the business case for energy efficiency goes beyond dollars signs, metric tons of carbon or kilowatt hours (kWh) of energy. Businesses realize that environmental leadership can enhance their reputation, and the most effective Climate Corps fellows understand these intangible benefits as well. Climate Corps fellows also recognize that environmental efforts must be backed by real data and results, and that is the inspiration for many projects developed by Climate Corps fellows that are now reported as part of their host companies overall sustainability strategies.Know how to fit in and effectively engage employees Sometimes, Climate Corps fellows are viewed as interns who will be with the company for a short period of time and contribute a limited amount of work. Other times, employees have a perception that fellows are green whistleblowers constantly looking over their shoulders to see how their work is impacting the environment. Trish, Ian and Eva all shared the importance of engaging employees quickly and effectively to share who they are and why they are there for the summer. Employees then often become their greatest advocates and create universal buy-in for their efforts, which ultimately leads to a greater chance for projects to be implemented.Recognize that the low hanging fruit grows back Many companies have participated in Climate Corps for several years, while others already employ an energy team responsible for identifying similar opportunities to many of the projects Climate Corps fellows work on. However, time after time, fellows continue to unearth significant savings at many of these companies. When Ian first showed up for work, he was told all the low-hangi ng fruit is already picked and was challenged to find significant savings. In response, he identified opportunities that could reduce annual energy costs by approximately $443,000, cut nearly three million kWh of electricity, and avoid 1,900 metric tons of carbon emissions.These key takeaways from Trish, Ian and Evas experiences were absorbed by the 57 new Climate Corps fellows at the training who will likely have their own exciting stories to tell by the end of the summer.But perhaps the most important takeaway from observing the past and present Climate Corps fellows together was that everyone in that room represented tomorrows business leaders, responsible for taking companies down a path toward a thriving economy and healthier planet. Each of the EDF Climate Corps fellows is part of a national movement to build the business case for energy efficiency and take it to scale one that captures the imagination of people from dorm rooms to boardrooms across the country.By Jasper Jung, Marketing and Communications Manager, Corporate Partnerships Program, Environmental Defense Fund
Friday, December 6, 2019
Simple Resume Cover Letter - Overview
Simple Resume Cover Letter - Overview The Hidden Gem of Simple Resume Cover Letter As you analyze the documents, all of them look the exact same. Letters are believed to be a kind of verbal and written communication. An official letter is written with an official language because its mostly for an official function. Writing a letter isnt as simple as it appears. Again, use our titel letter templates and dont forget to prevent easy mistakes at the very start of your letter, as you dont want employers to quit reading or eliminate interest till they reach your main points. Always introduce the main reason why youre writing the letter in a brief and concise method. Such letters increase the trustworthiness of the individual endorsed. Please take some time to personalize your letter. If you select, it is possible to also add a hook or a jazzy opening statement which makes the reader want morejust make sure you keep on topic. Dont risk your odds of finding the work of your dream s only because you are not able to send a great titelseite letter. Sometimes there are circumstances which are completely out of our control when it has to do with getting an bewerbungsinterview. You dont want the interview procedure to look like a complete 180-degree turn from the individual that wrote the cover letter. If want to get the interview you are a great deal more likely to receive it by asking for it than not. Explain briefly why you believe youre the perfect person for the job. Be certain to take the opportunity to request an interview in the duration of the cover letter. The 5-Minute Rule for Simple Resume Cover Letter At the other times you should have a cover letter. It is crucial your cover letter be tailored to every position youre applying to. The total cover letter are available here. The resume cover letter is intended to allow the employer to understand how they may benefit from what is presented in your resume. If youve got an employee contact at the company willing to refer you, be certain to mention them whenever possible in the cover letter. Though it isnt required to use the landed addresses of possible future employers to send your cover letter by email, you have to receive an appropriate name to address it. Sometimes youre going to be requested to send your cover letter as an email rather than a distinct document. You can watch the complete cover letter at the next link. Top Simple Resume Cover Letter Secrets The letter delivers detailed info on why youre qualified for the job that you are applying for. If you would like any additional information regarding my career you are able to go through my resume. Doing a small amount of extra research to discover the name of the hiring manager can really make a difference in the cover letter along with tailoring your preceding work achievements to that of the work description. The 30-Second Trick for Simple Resume Cover Letter Hence any applicant who would like to make a n application for an internship program will secure the sample internship cover letter useful. Technical skills, licenses and certifications, and the capability to communicate effectively are some of the very best qualities to put in your cover letter. When you would like to fill out an application for a job for a flight attendant, you not only need to finish a questionnaire from the airline, but you must submit a resume and a cover letter. An interview to additional review your requirements and my skills would be mutually beneficial. The Most Popular Simple Resume Cover Letter The difference can be found on the addressee. You can put the date on both sides of the webpage and is your pick. Which means that you have to find out the way to generate the best page as you find it possible to send to the organization and offer great first impact about yourself. Remember a single thing which you dont will need to construct your details from scratch.
Monday, December 2, 2019
15 Ways Your Body Language Is Killing Your Business Etiquette
15 Ways Your Body Language Is Killing Your Business Etiquette Etiquettes not just fodder for fusty advice columns. Despite the increasing casualization ofwork in the senseof both increasingly gig-based work and Mark Zuckerbergs t-shirts bad geschftsleben etiquettecan still blow a deal if youre not careful.That said, maintaining proper etiquette is not always easy. For starters, few of us are ever formally introduced to business etiquette. Instead, we have to pay attention and pick up clues about appropriate behavior as we go along. Another challenge is that so much of business etiquette is about body language, something you can really only control so long as youre hyperaware of it.While it may not solve all of your etiquette woes, the following infographic from Swiss Canadian Capitalwill at least give you a good place to start. The infographic covers 15 common body language blunders that come across as bad business etiquette. Armed with this knowled ge, you should have an easier time projecting the proper demeanor and scoring workplace wins as a result.Courtesy of Swiss Canadian Capital
Wednesday, November 27, 2019
How a Job Club Can Help You Get Hired
How a Job Club Can Help You Get HiredHow a Job Club Can Help You Get HiredA job club, also known as a job search club or a networking club, is a formal or informal group of job seekers. No matter what you call it, the clubs purpose is to assist with a job hunt. If youre a member, youll both give and get job search support and advice. Members might share resumes and cover letters, conduct mock bewerbungsgesprchs, recommend job leads, and offer general encouragement and advice about the job search. What Are the Benefits of a Job Club? The most obvious benefit of a job club is that it provides you a space to get advice on your job search. Members can give you feedback onresumes and cover letters, helpprepare you for interviews, and more. If its been a while since you last applied for a job, getting insight into newer technology (like how toleverage social mediain a job search) can be really valuable. Many job clubs set weekly deadlines for members to complete elements of the job sea rch, which holds job seekers accountable. Knowing that you have a weekly meeting on your calendar, and will likely be asked about your progress, could be just the nudge you need to finally send out that cover letter or make that informational interview date. Another benefit of a job club is that it provides an informal place for networking. Not only will meeting with group regularly help you encounter new people, but club members can introduce each other to potential employers. Members can also point out job openings they think might be a good fit for other members. As well, job clubs provide support during what can be a stressful time. Job searching can be overwhelming, lonely, and isolating. Thats especially true if you were fired or laid off, and went from being around a big group of colleagues every day to being alone in your home. Meeting with people going through a similar experience can provide much-needed encouragement. What Are the Different Types of Job Clubs? Job club s vary in many ways. Some are very formal, with executive boards, monthly dues, required meetings, etc. A more formal job club may be moderated by a career counselor or other career expert. Other job clubs are much more informal, and simply offer a space for people to talk about their job search experiences. Many job clubs fall somewhere in the middle, offering members the chance to set job search goals and receive advice from their peers. Job clubs also differ in whom they cater to. Some job clubs are for specific types of job seekers, such as people looking for jobs in one industry. Other clubs are for specific groups of people, such as job clubs for women. And, job clubs can often be based around a geographic location. How Do I Find a Job Club? A number of websites list local job clubs, such asCareerOneStop, the US Department of Labors job services website. (Search job clubs on the website.) You can also look at your local newspaper or your chamber of commerce website for loc al job clubs. Browse on theMeetupwebsite to find job clubs nearby. You can also search for Groups on Facebook or look on Twitter to see if there is a local job club. Public libraries, community colleges, and local universities also often have job clubs or networking groups, so call or check out their websites as well. If you are looking for a job club that caters to a specific group or industry, look into organizations that cater to that group. And, if your searches dont reveal a club that fits your needs, create your own. You can either place an ad in your local paper, post an invitation on social media, or gather a few friends together for a weekly lunch meeting. Whats the Right Job Club for You? Knowing which job club to join depends on your personal situation. You might want to join for support and accountability or you may need help on specific things, like reformatting your resume or mastering a good explanation of your time out of work. Try out a few clubs, if necessary, until you find one that is a good fit. While you may find job clubs that are based online, consider opting for an in-person group instead - its valuable to meet new people face-to-face. Not only is it good practice for interviews, but you probably already spend a lot of time online, and a break from your computer screen could be a good thing.
Friday, November 22, 2019
Vacation Program Details for Military Leave
Vacation Program Details for Military LeaveVacation Program Details for Military LeaveOne of the entitlements most new military personnel want to learn about is liberty and leave. Leave is paid vacation from duty for recreation and relief from the pressures of job-related duties. You may also take leave for personal reasons and emergency situations. A reisepass (called liberty in the Navy, Coast Guard, and Marine Corps) is time-off, bedrngnislage chargeable as leave. Leave is a RIGHT (not a privilege) that is granted by Congress under Federal Law. While leave is a RIGHT, that doesnt necessarily mean you can take it whenever you wish. As with all things, military necessity determines when you can take your leave. Accruing Leave Leave accrues at the rate of 2 1/2 calendar days per month. Congress recognizes that military requirements may prevent members from using their planned leave. Thus, the law permits members to accrue a maximum of 60 days (the maximum that may be carried over into the next the fiscal year FY). The expression use or lose means that leave in excess of 60 days is lost if not used by the end of the FY (30 September). Also, the military can pay members for unused leave at certain points in their careerssuch as reenlistment and voluntary retirements, separation, or discharge. By law, members may receive accrued leave payment up to a maximum of 60 days during their military career. When a member sells leave, he/she receives one day of base pay for each day of leave traktement. However, the legislative history of the law clearly expresses congressional concern that members use leave to relax from the pressures of duties and not as a method of compensation. NOTE Members do not earn leave when they are absent without official leave (AWOL), in an unauthorized absence position, serving a court-martial sentence, or in an excess leave status. Special Leave Accrual Members lose any leave in excess of 60 days at the end of the FY unless they are el igible for up to 30 days of special leave accrual (SLA). Eligible members who lose leave on 1 October may have only that portion of leave restored that could possibly have been taken before the end of the FY. Members are eligible for SLA if any of the following circumstances prohibit them from taking leave Deployment of an operational mission at the national level for at least 60 consecutive days.Assignment or deployment for at least 60 consecutive days to unit, headquarters, and supporting staffs when their involvement supporting a designated operational mission prohibits them from taking leave.Deployment to a hostile fire or imminent danger pay area for 120 or more consecutive days and receive this special pay for 4 or more consecutive months. In this situation, Defense Finance and Accounting Service (DFAS)Denver will automatically carry over up to 30 days of leave. NOTE In some instances, the deployment may overlap 2 FYs, for example, a deployment from September 15 until November 14. Beginning and Ending Leave Leave must begin and end in the local area. The term local area means the distribution policy of residence from which the member commutes to the duty station on a daily basis. This also applies to leave en route to a PCS or TDY assignment. In this case, the local area, as defined at the old and new permanent duty station (PDS), applies. The old PDS is for beginning leave the new PDS is for ending leave. Making a false statement of leave taken may result in punitive action under the UCMJ. Regardless of the amount of leave authorized, finance calculates leave based on the actual date of departure and date of return. General rules on charging leave are as follows Use your particular services Leave Authorization Form for all types of leave. (EXCEPTION When members take leave en route with PCS or TDY travel, the financial services office (FSO) uses the travel voucher to determine authorized travel and chargeable leave.) Normal off-duty days and holida ys are chargeable leave days if they occur during an authorized period of leave. If leave includes a weekend, a member cannot end leave on a Friday and begin it again on Monday. Further, unit commanders will not approve successive Monday through Friday leaves (or periods of leave surrounding other normal off-duty days) except under emergency or unusual circumstances as determined by the unit commander. A member who is unable to report to duty upon expiration of leave because of illness or injury must advise the leave approving authority. A family member, attending physician, representative at the nearest MTF, or American Red Cross (ARC) representative may act on the members behalf when the member is incapacitated and unable to provide notification. Upon returning from leave, the member must present a statement from the nearest medical treatment facility (MTF) or attending physician regarding the members medical condition. (NOTE The unit commander may consult with the local MTF for clarification.) If admitted to the hospital, the members duty status changes to inpatient on the date admitted. If desired, the member can revert to leave status when released from the hospital. However, this requires a new leave form and authorization number. Unless a competent authority excuses a member, the member must be available for duty by 2400 on the last day of leave. Failure to return by 2400 the day after the last day of leave is an unauthorized absence and can constitute AWOL except when the absence is unavoidable. Extension of Leave An individual may ask for and receive an extension of leave only when the situation warrants it and military requirements permit it. The individual should ask for the extension well enough in advance to allow a timely return to duty if the proper authority does not grant the extension. To make a reasonable decision on short notice, the request must include a specific reason for the extension, period desired, status of leave account, and expiration of term of service (ETS). Types of Leave DoD Directive 1327.5 defines several types of leave Regular Leave.Another name for ordinary leave is annual leave. Normally, members request leave, as accruing (earning), within mission requirements. Members use annual leave to take a vacation, attend to parental family needs such as illnesses, during traditional national holiday periods, for attendance at spiritual events or other religious observances, and/or as terminal leave with retirement or separation from active duty. Advance Leave.Advance leave is chargeable leave that exceeds the members current leave balance but does not exceed the amount of leave that will be earned during the remaining period of enlistment. If a member separates, reenlistsor retires earlier than planned, he or she must reimburse the Government for any advance leave that becomes excess. Advance leave is appropriate for urgent personal or emergency situations and for leave en route during PCS or TDY but cannot be more than the minimum amount of time needed. Many commanders will not approve advanced leave except in cases of emergency. Convalescent Leave.Convalescent leave is an authorized absence normally for the minimal time needed to meet the medical needs for recuperation. This is not chargeable leave. Unit commanders normally approve convalescent leave based on recommendations by either the MTF (Military Treatment Facility) authority or physician most familiar with the members medical condition. When a member elects civilian medical care at personal expense determined by a military physician to be a medical procedure considered as elective by military MTF authorities, such as cosmetic surgery, members must use ordinary leave for all absences from duty, including convalescence. When medical authorities determine a medical procedure is necessary, such as childbirth, and the member electscivilian medical care, the commander, upon the recommendation of a military doctor, may g rant convalescent leave. Emergency Leave Emergency leave is chargeable leave granted for personal or family emergencies involving the immediate family. Unit commanders approve emergency leave, although commanders can delegate leave approval to no lower than the first sergeant for enlisted personnel (in some of the services). Normally, verification by theAmerican Red Cross(ARC) or the host countrys equivalent agency is not necessary. However, when the official granting leave has reason to doubt the validity of an emergency situation, he or she may request assistance from the military service activity nearest the location of the emergency or, when necessary, from the ARC. The anfangsbuchstabe period is usually for no more than 30 days unless the member has a negative leave balance in which case the commander considers only that which is absolutely necessary to take care of the emergency situation. If the individual needs an extension while on emergency leave, he or she must conta ct the unit commander orfirst sergeant(for some of the services) for approval. Unit commanders advise members to apply for a humanitarian or exceptional family member reassignment orhardship dischargeif the leave period is more than 60 days. If the member is assigned overseas, the military will usually arrange (free) transportation to and from the nearest CONUS (state-side) port. Further transportation is at the members expense (although the AMC will generally grant loans in Emergency Leave situations). Emergency leave is normally authorized in the following situations The members presence contributes to the welfare of a dying member of his or her immediate family or spouses family.There has been a verified death in the members immediate family or the spouses immediate family.There has been an injury, major surgery, or serious illness in the members immediate family or the spouses immediate family resulting in a serious problem only the member can resolve.Anatural disastersuch as a flood, hurricane, or tornado occurred that affected the member personally. En Route Leave En route leave is in conjunction with PCS or TDY travel, including consecutive overseas tours. If the member does not have accrued leave, he or she can request the minimum amount of advance leave needed. Losing unit commanders normally approve up to 30 days en route leave with any PCS move if the leave does not interfere with port call (flight to overseas assignment) and duty reporting dates. Anyone who desires to take less leave or no leave en route is responsible for requesting accommodating travel arrangements from the personnel and transportation offices. Members who complete basic or technical training may request 10 days of leave en route if their first duty station is in the CONUS (within the states). They may request 14 days if going to an overseas assignment. Excess Leave.Excess leave is granted for personal emergencies over and above the amount the member can earn before dischar ge, separation, or retirement. The total amount of accrued, advance, andexcess leavecannot exceed 60 days for any one period of absence. Excess leave is a no-pay status therefore, entitlement to pay and allowances and leave accrual stops on the members first day of excess leave. A member will not receive disability pay, if injured, for time spent on excess leave he or she is ineligible by law to receive disability retired pay or disability severance pay. The only exception to the 60-day limit is to give indefinite periods of unpaid absence to the member being processed for certain discharges as awaiting approval of a court-martial sentence. Environmental and Morale Leave (EML).EML is authorized at an overseas installation where adverse environmental conditions require special arrangements for leave in desirable places at periodic intervals. Funded EML is charged as ordinary leave, but members are authorized to use DoD-owned or -controlled aircraft plus, travel time to and from the EML destination is not charged as leave. Unfunded EML is also charged as ordinary leave, but members are authorized space-available air transportation from the duty locations, and travel time to and from the leave destination is charged as leave. Regular and Special Passes/Liberty A pass (called liberty in the Navy/Coast Guard/Marine Corps) is an authorized absence, not chargeable as leave, for short periods to provide respite from the working environment or for other reasons. Regular Pass.A regular pass starts after normal working hours on a given day and stops at the beginning of normal working hours the next duty day. This includes nonduty days of Saturday and Sunday and a holiday for up to 3 days total if a member normally works Monday through Friday or up to 4 days for a member who works a nontraditional works schedule, such as a compressed workweek. The combination of nonduty days and a public holiday may not exceed 4 days. DoD or higher management levels may determine tha t a Monday or Friday is compensatory (comp) time off when a holiday is observed on a Tuesday or Thursday, in which case a regular pass may consist of a weekend, a comp day off, and a public holiday. Special Pass.Commanders grant special passes for unusual reasons, such as comp-time off, reenlistment, and special recognition. The special pass may be for 3- or 4-day periods. Commanders will not grant special passes combined with regular pass or holiday periods when the combined period of continuous absence exceeds the 3- or 4-day limitation. Also, special passes may not be combined with leave. Special pass periods begin the hour the member departs from work and end when the member returns to duty. Members may be required to return in the event of an operational mission requirement such as a recall, unit alert, or unit emergency. Members should always have their military identification card in their possession for identification purposes while on authorized absences from official duty . When it is essential to control authorized absences for security or operational reasons and other special circumstances, commanders can use DD Form 345,Armed Forces Liberty Pass New Parental Leave Policy 2017 The new Department of Defense National Defense Authorization Act has an update to the Parental Leave policy. The new DoD leave policy allows six weeks of maternity convalescent leave to all active duty birth mothers, now offers six additional weeks to the primary caregiver and three weeks to the secondary caregiver. Only one parent can be designated as primary caregiver, but Fathers can be designated as primary caregivers and granted six weeks or 42 days of parental leave, according to the new policy. For instance, if a mother needs to return to work and cannot take the six weeks of leave to care for the newborn, then the father could be designated as primary caregiver and use the allowed six weeks of leave versus only three weeks. moribund Leave (Your Last Active Dut y Leave) Terminal leave is chargeable leave used in conjunction with separation or retirement processing when a member desires to be absent on the last day ofactive duty. A member often uses this leave to accept employment that starts before his or her date of separation or retirement. Normally a member does not return to duty after terminal leave begins. Normally, the amount of leave taken cannot exceed the leave balance at the date of separation. (EXCEPTION The member may request excess leave under verified emergency conditions.) A member may not extend a date of separation solely for the purpose of taking unused accrued leave, even if it is beyond his or her control. An exception would be if the member separated or retired because of a disability. If the member previously sold 60 days of leave, the military will extend the date of separation to allow the member to use accrued leave. If he or she has not sold 60 days of leave, the member must sell unused leave to the 60-day limi t before the military can extend the date of separation. Department of Defense Leave Policies The overriding directive for leave (which applies to all the services) is DoD Directive 1327.5, Leave and Liberty. However, within the guidelines of this directive, each of the military services has published their own regulations which give the details (what forms to use, approval authorities, etc.) for their specific service. Individual service leave regulations are Army Army Regulation 600-8-10 - Leaves and Passes Air ForceAir Force Instruction 36-3003 - Military Leave Program NavyMILPERSMAN 1050, Leave and Liberty Marine CorpsMarine Corps Order (MCO) P1050.3H - Regulations for Leave, Liberty, and Administrative Absence
Thursday, November 21, 2019
These are the top 5 smart things that lazy people do
These are the top 5 smart things that lazy people doThese are the top 5 smart things that lazy people doThere are many short-cuts and habits that people develop to make life easier and better for themselves. The following list might be more appropriately called lazy things that smart people do, but Im going to list them here anywayAutomate their own jobsEstablish routines. Routine makes space for spontaneity. This means eliminating or reducing the number of small decisions of lesser importance, so that you have more time and energy for bigger decisions, particularly in the face of uncertainty. Routines could range from wearing the same type of outfit to maintaining platzdeckchen working hours to eating the same thing for lunch everyday, thereby reducingdecision fatigue.Establish a set of guiding principles, almost like a personal and professional operations manual, to reduce the level of one-off decision-making and reduce the risk of repeating mistakes in the future. This is also ref lected in Ray DaliosPrinciples, which has recently attracted new attention having been published in book form in September 2017. In a way,Integrated Investingwas a first cut at my own principles for simplifying the impact investing decision-making process.DelegateHave a uniform. Youve heard and seen this - ranging from Mark Zuckerburgs grey t-shirt and hoodie to Steve Jobs black turtleneck. But this can also mean, outfit formulas like suits or color palettes (always black or always neutrals or something else). For me, its translated into wearing the same earrings day in and day out (I have a vast earring collection from years past that no longer gets worn) and treggings (a consequence of being an active, working parent, not only are they comfortable yet still look professional, I discovered that zippers on trousers are a waste of time).I have always been the type of person who preferred to do enough for a successful and satisfying outcome. Being too lazy to do more than was necessa ry certainly yielded useful short cuts, that then helped create more time - or rather helps me prioritize my time - for the things I love to do and enjoy the most.This article first appeared on Quora.Whats your favorite time management secret?Let us know in our Facebook community, The Climb
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